Is Noise Linked to Heart Disease?
Noise pollution is a serious concern for quality of life. Assessing possible effects of noise on general health is notoriously difficult to study. People who are exposed to noise throughout a day are also exposed to many other environmental and societal factors that likewise can affect health. It's difficult to tease out strong relationships and particularly cause and effect.
Researchers from the Canadian Department of Health have recently published results from the Canadian Health Measures Survey, a comprehensive ongoing epidemiological study of a broad cross-section of the Canadian population. This report did not support an association between loud noise exposure and changes in biomarkers for cardiovascular disease outcomes, such as hypertension, myocardial infarction, or stroke. Researchers reported expected results for hearing loss, but concluded their data did not support the theory that noise is a serious contributor to cardiovascular disease. Other researchers continue to study the matter, and we'll be sure to watch and report any emerging trends.
Learn more- Canadian Health Measures Survey website
- Michaud, DS, Marro, L and McNamee, JP (2021). Self-reported exposure to occupational noise and cardiovascular disease in Canada: Results from the Canadian Health Measures Survey. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150, 990 (DOI: 10.1121/10.0005588).
Categories: | Non-Occupational/General Interest, Hearing & Hearing Loss |